Kids with Character

Babies develop characters even while they are in the womb. Their temperament, responses to outside environment [at 26 weeks, babies' eyes can open and ears can hear loud sounds] begin even before they are born.

Naturally, as they grow up, this character manifests itself in their preferences for things around them -- toys, clothes and cartoon characters.

Remember having a preconceived notion of how your baby will look and act before it's born, having a name picked out, only to take one look at the infant and say, "no, Henry does not quite cut it for this kid. He's more like a Tyler [all fashionable and adventurous. Yes at 0 months!] ..."

One company keeping up with your kid's character expression is You'll find
diaper bags and baby bedding, but more importantly, you'll find products that suit your discriminating tyke's taste, specially kids who have favorite characters from TV.

One of the site's best sellers is the Backyardigans lamp, perfect for a nightstand. Pair it with a backyardigan blanket and/or cuddle pillow and you'll have a gratefully singing backyardigan tot humming "...we have the whole wide world in our yard to explore ... we find things we have never seen before .. that's why we come back for more .. with your friends the backyadigans ..."

You can shop by age, top brands and category. This is one shopping exercise you'll most likely enjoy with your child at hand.

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